Stevia Based Malt Loaf Slice

Malt Loaf with Stevia

Malt Loaf with Stevia

Serving size

15 minutes 50 minutes




  • 150ml Hot Black tea

  • 175g Malt extract plus extra for glazing

  • 30g Truvia

  • 300g Mixed dried fruit

  • 2 larger eggs

  • 250g plain flour

  • 1 tsp baking powder

  • 12 tsp bicarbonate of soda


  • 1.

    Preheat oven to 150oC/13oC/Gas 2. Line the base and ends of two greased 1lb non-stick loaf tins with strips of baking parchment

  • 2.

    Pour the hot tea into a mixing bowl with malt, Truvia and dried fruit. Stir well, and then add the eggs.

  • 3.

    Tip in the flour, then quickly stir in the baking powder and bicarbonate of soda and pour into the prepared tins. Bake for 50 minutes until firm and well risen. While still warm, brush with a little more malt to glaze and leave to cool.

  • 4.

    Remove from the tins. Loaves get stickier after wrapping and keeping 2-5 days. Serve sliced and buttered, if you like.